Quests Beyond Existence – A Book Beyond Description and Perception

Quests Beyond Existence presents the reader a mixture of story-telling, imparting principles, entertaining and educating the reader about concepts beyond human lives.

The book hopes to leave with the reader a more accepting attitude and a much better understanding of life and its relationships both here and beyond. Through the work, it is hoped that the reader will learn to understand human and non-human relationships and be able to apply these ideas in their own lives thereby improving their own existence. These values are hopefully achieved through concrete examples and shared personal experiences of the people in the stories.

Quest Beyond Existence does not comment, judge or criticize any actual people, groups or organizations in real life. There is nothing in the work that can be deemed slanderous of any other person, being or group. Furthermore, the book does not contain any incidents of crime nor does it include any specific descriptions of any violent acts towards human or animals. Quest Beyond Existence also does not contain any vulgar, offensive, discriminatory and indecent words or concepts as it is also completely apolitical.

Quest Beyond Existence does not include any mention or discussions of any acts of terrorism or terrorists. The work is completely based on shared personal experiences of the author. It also does not contain any descriptions or discussions relating to or pertaining to sex or sexual acts.

Quests Beyond Existence is copyrighted and is listed with the Philippine National Library as a Transpersonal Psychology work of fiction.

Buy the book and judge it for yourself.

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