Beyond Banner Stands and Trade Show Booths: Key Techniques To Help Draw In The Convention Crowd

No matter what industry they are currently operating in, businesses participating in trade show displays recognize some common indicators of success throughout the process. Total number of generated leads, the opportunity for networking and affiliation partnerships as well as conversion ratios all warrant heavy consideration during the post-event achievement analysis to ensure that incurred expenses are balanced out with various versions of positive return on investment. Without a healthy ROI, businesses find themselves faced with deciding whether to realign their event strategies or simply pack up banner stands and trade show booths altogether and seek an alternate channel for their marketing endeavors.

Correlation Between Traffic At Trade Show Booths And Return On Investment

For businesses struggling with tangible achievements at marketing expos, there is one specific component to consider when realigning their promotional approaches: traffic to the booths themselves. It’s no secret that traffic to trade show booths is often a direct indicator of generated leads and conversations that can lead to networking contacts, or even sales. In short, businesses that consistently entice event participants to stop into their trade show booths maximize the many opportunities that these marketing conventions are known for.

Important Ways To Compel And Entice Traffic To Your Trade Show Displays

Yes, having visually appealing banner stands and exhibit booths always proves a formidable weapon in the fight to steal the crowd’s attention away from participating competitors. However, truly successful event vendors understand that these promotional tools alone simply aren’t enough. In order to systematically ensure optimal results during every function, savvy vendors understand that they must also employ resources such as:

Social Media Outlets: One of the best ways to guarantee traffic to your business exhibits is to generate buzz with your online network of current and potential clients. Use your company’s social media pages to hype up your team’s attendance at upcoming events and specifically list why your online contacts will want to stop by your trade show displays.

Exciting Exhibit Giveaways: Generate a little event excitement by using a fun handout at your company exhibits throughout the event. Remember, most of the competition will also employ giveaways during the function, so think outside the box for an item that guests will clamor for.

Hold Mini-Events During The Main Event: Holding special smaller events at your exhibit will help create a sense of excitement around your event displays. Have a guest speaker, hold a random raffle drawing, announce a celebrity appearance or even include things like money machines or prize wheels to get the crowd actively seeking out your company’s location during the convention.

Present A Polished, Professional Team: Remember, once your company has successfully encouraged the attending crowd to check out your banner stands and exhibits, it’s ultimately up to your team to keep them engaged. Train each participating staff member on booth protocol and how to successful interact with each visiting guest to best leverage each and every opportunity as it presents itself.

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