Internet Marketing Strategy 3 – List Building

This is by far the only strategy that everyone who joins the internet business industry should focus on. This is because if you build a successful list with a lot of prospects, you will profit from them for more than once. They will also be in your emails list forever, until they of course unsubscribe. Can you already see the potential of income a list can bring to your internet business?

A lot of marketers fail to build a successful list. This is relatively due to the fact that as soon as someone subscribes to their business or opts in to their business, they start to sell their products immediately. This is not very effective; as a matter of fact this will actually have a negative affect on you and your business. People like to buy, but they do not like to be sold to. So in a way you should make your prospects come to you and ask if they could purchase your product or service.

Let me outline to you the best way to build an effective active list, full of money in hand ready prospects. I assume you have already accomplished internet marketing strategy 1 and 2, the traffic and conversion strategies, so I will just cut to the chase. The best way to build your list with prospects is to drive good traffic to your opt in page and have something ready in return for their email address and their names. After they opt in and subscribe to your emails list, have perhaps an auto responder to send them a welcome message, and also your free gift. These free gits could be anything to help them understand the business principle more. So after you have sent the welcome message and your free gift, over the following weeks keep sending them valuable information, send them contents to make them trust you. After that, you have bagged yourself loyal customers, and therefore you will have more selling power in the future. Now that they trust you, you can almost make money on demand with every email, you know what they say, and ‘the money is in the list’.

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